Duluth Community Education Opportunities

Mondays in January and February 2020

Space will be limited

DYSLEXIA SIMULATION Jan 27 – An opportunity to glimpse into a struggling student’s classroom experience  

Researchers estimate that in every student body population 5% of students struggle with dyscalculia, up to 6-10% struggle with dyspraxia, 12-17% struggle with dyslexia and up to 20% struggle with dysgraphia.  After the simulation, we will discuss how it impacts school and learning for children.


DYSLEXIA  – Feb 3 –  Understanding the brain functions behind dyslexia, difficulty with reading, and what remediation should look like. 

Dyslexia impacts approximately 12-17% of students along a continuum. The discussion includes learning strategies, remediation vs accommodations, social/emotional impact, assessments, 504 vs IEPs, and student empowerment.

DYSGRAPHIA Feb 10 – Understanding the brain functions behind dysgraphia, the difficulty with handwriting and the final written product, and remediation.  

Dysgraphia is often, but not always, a co-existing condition.  We will discuss signs of dysgraphia, potential direct, explicit, systematic instruction, and possible accommodations. Brief information about dyspraxia and the role it may be playing. 

DYSCALCULIA & DYSPRAXIAFeb  24 – Understanding the brain functions behind dyscalculia, difficulty with math, and what remediation should look like.  

Dyspraxia is a common disorder affecting fine and/or gross motor coordination. Dyspraxia / Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) is often regarded as an umbrella term to cover motor coordination difficulties which impact overall planning and carrying out of movements in the right order in everyday situations. Dyspraxia often coexists with the other ‘dys’s’.

Dysgraphia (difficulty writing): What a Parent Needs to Know

This class is scheduled for Monday, Feb. 9th at Denfeld High School at 6:30 pm.
Does homework your child avoid homework?
Is it a battle every night?
Could something else be going on?
Is their work hard to read?
Or is it easy to read but takes forever?
Is their work full of spelling and punctuation errors?
Do they use both upper and lower case letters interchangeable?
Is their writing ‘scattered’ across the page?
This workshop is designed to give parents basic information to help their children succeed in writing. Dysgraphia, sometimes called disorder of written expression, is a neurology disorder. We will discuss how to detect, assessment, types of remediation, accommodations and technology. Bring a sample of your child’s writing to class.
Go to Duluth Community Ed to sign up


Upcoming Workshops through Duluth Community Ed:


In this workshop students will learn the definition of dyslexia and reading difficulties including signs/symptoms, accommodations, 504 plans vs. the IEP, and the importance of the paper trail.  Discussion will also include current research, assessment, remediation, and assistive technology.

Location: Denfeld High School                                                                                          When:    Tues. Sept. 25th   ~   6:30-8:30 PM                                                                Cost:      $15.00

To register contact:  Deb Dwyer – 218-340-7393 – [email protected]  or http://www.duluthcommunityed.org/



This workshop is designed to give parents basic information to help their children succeed in writing.  Dysgraphia, sometimes called disorder of written expression, is a neurology disorder.  We will discuss how to signs/symptoms, assessment, types of remediation, accommodations and technology.  Bring a sample of your child’s writing to class.

Location: Denfeld High School                                                                                        When:    Tues. Oct. 16 ~  6:30-8:30 PM                                                                         Cost:      $15.00

To register contact:  Deb Dwyer – 218-340-7393 – [email protected] or http://www.duluthcommunityed.org/