The start of the school year is a busy time for students, parents and teachers alike. This guide will help you better advocate for the needs of your child with LD so she isn’t lost in the shuffle. Learn how – and why – to become an effective advocate and ally for your child with LD. From understanding your child’s disability and special education law, to managing your emotions, to communicating effectively, this guide covers it!
What you’ll find inside
- Tips for building and maintaining strong, positive relationships with your child’s teacher and others at school involved in her education.
- Five essential skills that will help you advocate effectively for your child at school.
- An overview of your child’s legal rights to assessment and assistance with a (possible) learning disability – and your right to participate in the process.
- Suggestions for making the most of your parent-teacher conference before, during, and after the meeting.
- A handy worksheet to help you prepare for successful meetings with key players at your child’s school.
- Recommended resources to expand your knowledge on this topic.